Matthias Meier, Deputy Country Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), in Mongolia 2009-2013 stated:


“In the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar many children, whose family backgrounds are very poor, are often neglected because they are raised by single parents. Therefore the Bayasgalant day care centre provides the children with the necessities they need and it provides them with structure and a protected area where they can learn and develop. The end result is better living conditions for the young people. Mongolia is a country where industry is growing rapidly, so people with good professional qualifications will have improved chances for a better life. Children who grow up in poverty have a bad start in life and often fall behind at school and aren’t then able to catch up later. At the time of my visit I was impressed that Bayasgalant is caring for and supporting the children in their family environment and doesn’t alienate them from their parents”.